Unique Dating Idea

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Unique Dating Idea

If you're getting tred of dinner and a movie, it's time to think of a more unique date idea. Try having a wine and cheese picnic followed by a visit to some local art galleries. You and your date will get some culture and it'll be a nice chance to get to know your date a little better. Discuss which works of art you like or don't like and why.



4/23/2009 4:51:18 PM
Stefan said:

Cooking together is my favourite date idea! You can cook something special and talk while cooking. Here are some other good ideas: http://www.date-ideas.net
Talking is really important on a date, so don't always go to the movies!

7/28/2009 12:52:31 AM
unknown said:

I am sorry to have to say this, but as a sixteen year old female, this dating idea would not fly with most guys my age.


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